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Other Names : Botanical Name: Stereospermum suaveolens, Padhal, Podal, Kaligottu, Padiri, Kaligottu, Kokkesa, Podira, Parul, Padala, Padal, Padari, Parul, Rose Flower Fragrant, Padramora, Padiri, Boro, Patulee, Padal
It is found in North circus and Deccan, in deciduous forests; Western Ghats and also in deciduous forests, in the hills of Mysore, Malabar and Travancore, Scarce. The Root bark, flower, seed, leaf, kshara are used.

Special Precautions of Patala

To be used only under medical supervision during pregnancy.

Health Benefits and Uses of Patala

It has various therapeutic properties like diuretic, cardiac tonic, anti-inflammatory. Its different parts are used in the management of different disorders. Its roots are useful in the balance of vata and their related disorders. Its flowers are cold in potency and are useful in the management of blood related disorders.

  • Diuretic - Being diuretic in nature, this herb helps in easy urination and maintains the proper urine flow. It also helps to provide relief in the burning sensation, difficulty in urination and frequent urination.
  • Cardiac tonic - This herb has a great medicinal importance and acts as the cardiac tonic also. It helps to maintain the good heart health as it helps in the strengthening of heart muscles and arteries. Moreover it also maintains the good blood flow in the body.
  • It is also used to treat anorexia and improves the appetite.
  • Piles - This herb is quite effective in the treatment of piles. It helps to improve the digestion and resolves the problem of constipation. This herb also provides relief from the problems like itching, irritation, redness, soreness and swelling around anus.
  • Anti-inflammatory - It is used in the edema and helps in inflammatory conditions. It also reduces the pain.
  • Blood purifier - It helps to remove toxins from blood and purifies it.
  • It is helpful in difficult breathing, vomiting, hiccups and thirst.
  • Blood disorders - Use of this herb is quite good in the blood disorders like anemia. This herb enhances the production of Red Blood Cells. It also helps to provide relief in symptoms associated with anemia like fatigue, lethargy and weakness.
  • It is useful in kapha and vata related disorders like inflammation, asthma, fever, blood related disorders.
  • Root is coolant in nature and has diuretic property.
  • Bark is vatakaphashamaka.
  • Fruits and flowers are vatapittashamaka.
  • Its flowers are vajikar, paustika and sitala and are taken in the form of confection as aphrodisiac. * It helps to improve semen quality.
  • It is useful in gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Used in Patent medicine