Premna integrifolia

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Other Names : Premna Serratifolia, Premna Mucronata, Premna Obtusifolia, Premna Corymbosa, Agnimantha (BRIHAD AGNIMANTHA), Headache Tree, Agathu, Arni, Ganiyaar, Agethu, Agnimantha, Vatghani, Shreeparn, Pachumullai, Taludalai, Ganibhari, Ganira, Ganiyari

Special Precautions of Premna integrifolia

Health Benefits and uses of Premna integrifolia

Agnimantha is used in the treatment of all types of Vata Disorders (diseases related to the nervous and musculoskeletal system), inflammatory disorders, neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, piles, constipation, common cold, and loss of appetite. It is also useful in eruptive fevers, which include infections like scarlet fever (scarlatina), measles, small pox, varioloid eruptions, and erysipelas.

Used in Patent medicine