Sea Buckthorn

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Sea Buckthorn

See also : Omega-7 fatty acids
Other Names : Ananas de Sibérie, Argasse, Argousier, Argousier Faux-Nerprun, Bourdaine Marine, Buckthorn, Chharma, Dhar-Bu, Épine Luisante, Épine Marrante, Espino Armarillo, Espino Falso, Faux Nerprun, Finbar, Grisset, Hippophae rhamnoides, Meerdorn, Oblepikha, Olivier de Sibérie, Purging Thorn, Rokitnik, Sallow Thorn, Sanddorn, Saule Épineux, Sea Buckhorn, Sceitbezien, Sea-Buckthorn, Seedorn, Star-Bu, Tindved. Sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant long used in herbal medicine. Available in supplement form, sea buckthorn extract contains a variety of essential fatty acids and antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E and anthocyanins). The leaves, flowers, and fruits are used to make medicine.

Special Precautions of Sea Buckthorn

  • Surgery: Sea buckthorn might slow blood clotting. This raises the concern that it might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using sea buckthorn at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
  • Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with SEA BUCKTHORN.
  • The fruit of sea buckthorn contains very high amounts of oxalic acid,
  • Given the lack of supporting research, it's too soon to recommend sea buckthorn for any health condition. It's important to note that self-treating a chronic condition with sea buckthorn and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious health consequences.

The benefits of Sea Buckthorn are

Sea Buckthorn fruit and seed oils are excellent sources of important fatty acids, including essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and -6), and nonessential fatty acids (Omega-7 and -9). Sea Buckthorn is a remarkable natural source of both essential and nonessential fatty acids. Its bright orange little fruit are packed with high levels of Omega-7 and -9, as well as EFAs Omega-3 and -6 in perfect ratio. It’s a great source of the fatty acids so important to maintaining good health—both externally and internally! In herbal medicine, sea buckthorn has long been used to stimulate the digestive system, enhance heart and liver health, and treat skin disorders. Today, sea buckthorn is touted as a natural remedy for the following health problems:

  • arthritis : Sea Buckthorn is an inflammation fighter that can help relieve Arthritis and joint pain while slowing cartilage degeneration.
  • Diabetes : A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 evaluated the effects of sea buckthorn oil on insulin levels. The study found that sea buckthorn oil may help maintain normal blood sugar levels by keeping them in moderate ranges, ultimately combatting type 2 diabetes and diabetes symptoms. It seems to have provided this positive effect through minimizing spikes in blood sugar levels after meals.
  • eczema : Sea buckthorn supplements may help treat atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema), according to a 1999 study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. In tests on 49 people with atopic dermatitis, researchers observed significant improvement among those who took supplements containing sea buckthorn pulp oil every day for four months.
  • Sea Buckthorn and Wound Healing : Findings from animal-based research suggest that sea buckthorn may promote wound healing when applied topically. In a 2009 study in Food and Chemical Toxicology, scientists discovered that topically applied sea buckthorn seed oil helped speed up the healing of burn wounds in rats.
  • Adrenal Fatigue : Because sea buckthorn oil is a potent source of omega-7s, it can help with adrenal fatigue. Removing foods that drain the body, such as caffeine, sugar and processed foods, and adding foods that heal the body, such as omega-3s found in fatty fish, fish oil and sea buckthorn oil, in addition to the omega-7s sea buckthorn oil contains, can provide the perfect healing ground needed. Combined with plenty of rest, a reduction in anxiety and exercise, sea buckthorn oil can help get your energy levels back to normal.
  • Heart and Cardiovascular System : Sea buckthorn reduces the risk of heart disease by boosting good cholesterol and reducing bad cholesterol. It also helps prevent the formation of dangerous clots, inhibits inflammation, and improves microcirculation in the tiny blood vessels of the eyes, brain, and skin. Aside from heart disease and diabetes, microcirculation issues also show up as enlarged blood vessels in the skin. This is frequently a condition found in women, and oxidative stress is often the major cause.
  • Stops Inflammation : Sea buckthorn has traditionally been used topically to heal burns, wounds, and dermatitis. The extract I recommend reduces inflammation and improves the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Taken internally, it also relieves pain.
  • Rosacea
  • Sea Buckthorn and Skin :In recent years, sea buckthorn oil has gained popularity as an ingredient in skin-care products. When applied topically, sea buckthorn oil is thought to moisturize the skin, ease irritation, treat acne and heal aging-related damage.
  • Cancer : Sea buckthorn oil contains powerful phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory properties and even exhibits anti-cancerous elements. A study published in Poultry Science evaluated the toxic hepatoprotective activity of oil from sea buckthorn berries, indicating the diminished adverse effects of aflatoxins in the liver. The liver is the largest organ inside the body and plays numerous important roles for the body, including digesting our food, storing energy and removing toxins. Sea buckthorn oil may a great way to help reduce possible cancers that may develop in the liver thanks to its liver-cleansing effects.
  • Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and dryness in the mouth, tear glands, lining of the bronchial airways, and vagina. Sjögren’s syndrome can also be associated with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. Because around 90 percent of patients with Sjögren’s syndrome are female, the condition is often associated with vaginal dryness, which causes pain during intercourse and recurrent vaginal infections. A three-month clinical trial of women with Sjögren’s syndrome found that sea buckthorn oil (SBA24®) improved vaginal mucosa, and reduced burning, itching, pain, secretion, and dryness.
  • Rich Source of Omega-7 fatty acids