Testosterone Booster

Revision as of 01:37, 14 July 2012 by User1 (Talk | contribs)

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More and more research suggests that Testosterone therapy may help men combat prostate problems. It also shows that the balance of T to your other hormones may be vital to your general health.

Dr. Morgentaler points out that testosterone therapy has many positive benefits. These include “improvement in energy, sexual desire and performance, muscle mass and strength, bone density and mood.”

And the great news is that you can safely increase testosterone levels without doctor-regulated therapy. Plenty of studies show that dietary and lifestyle changes can increase your body’s natural production of the hormone.

  • Consume a high-protein diet. Healthful foods rich in protein include grass-fed beef, wild salmon, eggs and pastured pork and poultry.
  • Zinc and vitamin E are both great for boosting testosterone levels. Avocados and asparagus are both high in vitamin E. And great sources of zinc include kelp, mushrooms, and oysters. If you’re on the go, you can pack raw, unsalted pumpkin seeds.
  • Chrysin, a flavonoid extracted from passion flower, is thought to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. As a result of this blocking action, it helps to raise free testosterone levels naturally.
  • Raw pine pollen is the richest seedbed of testosterone derived from plants; since it is the male sperm of pine trees.
  • Fenugreek has a reputation for boosting testosterone. It is now being included as the primary ingredient in many testosterone boosting supplements.
  • Oysters: Not only do oysters make an excellent appetizer they are also a good source of minerals like selenium and zinc, and are also high in protein. Zinc helps to raise sperm and testosterone production.
  • resveratol increases the pituitary hormones responsible for testosterone production in the testes by 2.7 times greater than the placebo. And even better news for men, further studies have also shown that resveratrol increased sperm count by 76% – that’s almost double! Furthermore, although high levels of testosterone have often been associated with the increased risk of developing prostate cancer, resveratrol has been found to potentially prevent and treat prostate cancer.
Last modified on 14 July 2012, at 01:37