
Raynaud's phenomenon

224 bytes added, 08:27, 1 May 2018
== Causes and Symptoms ==
Raynaud syndrome, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon, is a condition where the arteries narrow and this results in reduce of blood flow. This most commonly occurs in the hands and feet.The narrowing of our blood vessels is a natural stress response, reducing blood flow to extremities and protecting core organs. Those who suffer Raynauds have an over reacting nervous system. Things like temperature change or stress are the main triggers. Typically the fingers, and less commonly the toes, are involved. Rarely, the nose, ears, or lips are affected. The episodes result in the affected part turning white and then blue. Often, there is numbness or pain. As blood flow returns, the area turns red and burns. The episodes typically last minutes, but can last up to several hours.<br><br>
* [[Butcher's Broom]] : By increasing circulation of the blood, butcher's broom may be of benefit in the treatment of disorders characterized by reduced circulation.
* [[Cinnamon]] has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity and promotes circulation
==Warnings==Raynaud’s phenomenon doesn’t usually cause permanent damage. However, it can be a symptom of more serious underlying illnesses, so it‘s important to see your doctor if you experience it.
[[Category:vasospastic disorder]]
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