
Raynaud's phenomenon

258 bytes added, 07:39, 29 March 2013
/* Home remedies */
*L-Arginine is an amino acid that has been shown to reverse tissue damage caused by RS and improve symptoms in subsequent attacks. It stimulates production of nitric oxide, thus helping to keep arteries open and relaxed. Also, vitamin E is a key antioxidant and vitamin C improves blood flow. Magnesium maintains relaxation of the smooth muscle of the small arteries affected by RS. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and help relieve symptoms of RS. Fish oil also improves tolerance to cold exposure by increasing blood pressure in the fingers.
* [[Southern Prickly Ash]] is used for Blood circulation problems in the fingers (Raynaud's syndrome).
* [[Butcher's Broom]] : By increasing circulation of the blood, butcher's broom may be of benefit in the treatment of disorders characterized by reduced circulation. Raynaud's disease ([[Raynaud's phenomenon]] & [[Buerger's Disease]] are two such disorders.
== Warnings ==