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Other Names : Onosma bracteatum, Gaozaban, Telsharong , Gojihva, Ratanjot

Special Precautions of Sedge

Health benefits and uses of Sedge

  • used as diuretic and is considered cooling.
  • It is useful as a spasmolytic.
  • Sedge has been traditionally used as a tonic that helps build the body's immune resistance and regulate urine output.
  • The plant is alterative, demulcent, refrigerant and tonic.
  • A decoction is used in the treatment of rheumatism, syphilis and leprosy.
  • The plant is considered to be useful in relieving excessive thirst and restlessness in febrile excitement, and also to be useful in relieving functional palpitation of the heart, irritation of the bladder and stomach, and strangury (Chopra et al, 1986).
  • It has been advocated in use of variety of ailments, including asthma by stabilizing mast cell activity (Choudhary, 2010), and also reported as antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activity (Patel et al, 2011).
  • One of the studies demonstrated its significant role in the marked reduction of bronchial hyper-responsiveness by decreasing infiltration of oesinophils and neutrophils in rodents (Patel et al, 2008)

Used in Patent medicine

Sharbat Sadar